Terms and conditions of use

by Seidensticker GmbH
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1. Scope

The following general terms and conditions of use regulate under which conditions the user is allowed to use the photos, illustrations and other media content (hereafter “image/image material”) provided by Seidensticker GmbH on the “collection.studio-seidensticker.com” platform. The user expressly agrees to these terms and conditions and acknowledges having read and understood them.

2. Subject to change

Seidensticker GmbH is entitled to change the content of these terms and conditions of use at any time. The user declares their agreement with the terms and conditions of use in their current version.

3. Password protection

The collection.studio-seidensticker.com platform is password protected. Seidensticker GmbH will send the user an unchangeable password once by email. The user has to keep the password secret and protected from access by unauthorised third parties. Seidensticker GmbH must be informed immediately of any loss.

A contract of use for the “collection.studio-seidensticker.com” platform is concluded between the user and Seidensticker GmbH with access to the password.

4. Copyrights / Granting of rights

Zhe contents provided on the “collection.studio-seidensticker.com” platform are protected by copyright. This applies in particular to texts, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files including their arrangement on the platform. The copyright for published, self created objects remains solely with Seidensticker GmbH. Seidensticker GmbH provides these contents free of charge and for the user’s own purposes only, with the proviso that no copyright notices or other designations are removed and the contents are not processed, changed, copied or reproduced in any other way. Any use of the platform’s contents for commercial or public use is limited to advertising and presentation to customers and the user’s business partners. The platform’s contents may not be included in external internet offers, e.g. by means of a hyperlink, without Seidensticker GmbH’s prior written consent. Changing, selling, or leasing the images provided is generally prohibited.

Seidensticker GmbH grants the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, limited in time and place, to use the images uploaded by the user. All other rights to the images, including all copyrights and other industrial property rights relating to the images remain with Seidensticker GmbH.

The user is not entitled to change the images uploaded by Seidensticker GmbH. A reduction/enlargement or only partial representation does not represent a change in this sense and is covered by the scope of use granted.

The user may only use the pictures provided by Seidensticker GmbH for legally permitted purposes. The images may not be used to distribute defamatory, pornographic or otherwise illegal material, to threaten or harass third parties or to violate the rights of third parties. Use in social media is not permitted (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.)

All brand names and trademarks mentioned on this website, which may be protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered.

5. Blocking a user, compensation

In the event of a violation of these terms and conditions of use, Seidensticker GmbH has the right to block a user’s access with immediate effect. Seidensticker GmbH reserves the right to claim compensation in such a case of unlawful use.

6. Disclaimer

Seidensticker GmbH has carefully compiled the information contained on the “collection.seidensticker.com” platform to the best of its knowledge and belief and makes every effort to continuously check and update it. Nevertheless, it does not accept any liability, either explicitly or implicitly, for the topicality, correctness, completeness and constant availability of the information provided or for the absence of other technical faults.

Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use or non-use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of Seidensticker GmbH.

Seidensticker GmbH also does not guarantee that the platform’s contents are suitable for the user and their purposes. Binding information, advice, recommendations or explanations are provided exclusively within the framework of individual communication.

Seidensticker GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete the entire platform or parts thereof without prior notice or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

This website is operated, controlled and maintained by Seidensticker GmbH in Bielefeld, Germany. It is intended for international use. However, the operator does not guarantee that the information presented on this website is correct worldwide. If you access this website and/or download content, you are responsible for ensuring that you comply with the laws applicable in your location.

Seidensticker GmbH always tries to keep its platform free of viruses and other damaging programs. However, it cannot give a guarantee for this. Before using any information, the user shall therefore ensure that appropriate security measures and virus scanners are in place for their own protection and to prevent viruses and other damaging programs.

This disclaimer is part of Seidensticker GmbH’s “collection.studio-seidensticker.com” internet platform. If parts or individual formulations of this text are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain unaffected by this fact.

7. Data Protection

Seidensticker GmbH’s data protection regulations apply, which can be accessed under the following link: Privacy Policy .

8. Final provisions

This contract of use is subject exclusively to German law, excluding the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Bielefeld is the agreed place of jurisdiction, as far as legally permissible.

9. Legal notice

Seidensticker GmbH

Am Stadtholz 39

33609 Bielefeld



Responsible for content

Seidensticker GmbH

Am Stadtholz 39

33609 Bielefeld



Phone: +49 (0) 521-306-0

Phone: +49 (0) 521-306-111

Email: info@seidensticker.de


Amtsgericht [District Court of] Bielefeld HRB [Commercial Register no.] 7353

Directors: Frank Seidensticker | Gerd Oliver Seidensticker | Dr Silvia Bentzinger | Dr Marc Barrantes

VAT ID no. | DE 811 164 633

Responsible for content according to Section 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG): Frank Seidensticker